Renovation for a Credit Union / Oak Lawn, Illinois

Bell West Community Credit Union came to FDA after buying an existing single-story brick store situated on busy Southwest Highway in the Chicago suburb of Oak Lawn. Bell West decided to renovate the building into a 3,000 square feet branch of the credit union. The site was carefully redesigned to optimize the vehicular flow and so that each parking space is connected by a landscaped walk to the front door of the building.

The exterior of the building was completely renovated with a new roof, new windows, a curved steel entry canopy, a ceramic tile framed door and stucco. The new detached drive-thru banking lanes are connected to the building with a 110-feet-long steel truss that carries the metal panel clad sign band. The sign band has back-lit neon letters and conceals the neon transformers and the pneumatic tubes for the drive-thru banking lanes. The building is the sign band and has helped Bell West Community Credit Union to become an important part of the community.